Free Tenancy Fraud Campaign Materials

We have a new member benefit!

Although targeting our social landlords, we are extending the invitation to any organisation wishing to join the fight against tenancy fraud by downloading and distributing these free campaign materials.

We have collaborated with the Tenancy Fraud Forum, Onward and the University of Bolton to create Tenancy Fraud Campaign materials.

The materials have been created by Graphic Design BA (Hons) students from the University of Bolton. The students were set with the brief to raise public awareness of tenancy fraud with the campaign materials they were asked to produce. The brief had two main objectives; firstly, to educate on the topic of tenancy fraud and secondly, to create a call to action with the campaign materials. We feel that the students successfully delivered on the brief and clearly met the objectives, resulting in valuable marketing assets for organisations nationwide.

The University invited us to attend and provide feedback on the students presentation of their work. We left feeling impressed by the high-quality and level of professionalism. Therefore, we would like to thank the students for their hard work and wish them every success in their future careers.

Each asset has been created to be customisable, with space to add your own logo and contact information.

Campaign materials include customisable:

  • Posters
  • Social media tiles – Including LinkedIn, Facebook and Instagram
  • Email footers
  • Website banners
  • Infographic posters

Download the Tenancy Fraud campaign materials here.

National Anti Fraud Network