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Become a NAFN Member

What organisations can become members of NAFN?

NAFN can only offer membership to local and national public sector organisations (including housing associations/social landlords).

How can your organisation become a member? 

1. Please read the NAFN Constitution and Governance Handbook (this will be provided when progressing membership)

2. Complete and return the appropriate application form

3. Sign and return the NAFN Membership Agreement

4. If you are a wider public authority with powers under the Investigatory Powers Act and you wish to use the NAFN SPOC service, you must also sign a collaboration agreement. This will be provided upon contact with the NAFN Service Team.

5. Return documents to

6. Pay the annual corporate license fee for professional services of £2,000 for the period 01 April 2024 to 31 March 2025 (pro-rata)

National Anti Fraud Network